What was that about "failure"? Go home lefties.
Over half of American voters (51%) now believe the United States and its allies are winning the war on terror, the highest figure recorded in nearly four years by Rasmussen Reports in a nationwide survey.
Only 16% now think the terrorists are on top, while 27% view it as a stalemate. Prior to this week’s survey, the number who believe the terrorists are winning had never fallen below 20%.
Last July, just 36% thought the U.S. and its allies were winning. At that time, an equal number—36%--thought the terrorists were ahead ... Only 23% now expect things to get worse in Iraq, down from 49% last July.
Will any be asked? OR Answered?
GREAT READ! Spread to your friends on the blogs! Major H/T to Mike @ Mike's America for putting me on to this nugget. Go and download the document that McCain supporters handed to reporters leaving on the trip with the messiah, excuse me, Senator.
Independence Day.

Don't let the left steal the real meaning of this gesture. It is a "V" for "VICTORY" not a "P" for "peace." This is America it was formed by a fight not a bunch of the founding fathers kicking back with protests and cute signs.
We won our victory centuries ago, do we have the stomach to continue being winners?