QOTD 20070429

C.I.R. Quote of the day

“Everyone in the world thought he had them … this was not some Cheney pipedream.”

Senator Biden on Meet the Press describing how the UN had cataloged that Saddam had stockpiles of WMDs. I do not agree with Biden almost ever, but hey at least he doesn’t spend all his time in the land of black helicopters like so many on the left. Now you even have Biden running to be President saying this was not some conspiracy of made up propaganda to go to war. He gets a CIR liberal brownie point award.

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USSR Watch 1

C.I.R. USSR Watch

"For the first time elements of the U.S. strategic nuclear system are appearing on the European continent," Putin said on Friday.

The Soviet President is lying and he must know that these systems in no way endanger the USSR. We are not placing nuclear weapons there. For those that do not understand how the Missile Defense system works (their lame brained ranting: example), brief intro. The radar detects a launch determines which missile to use. The missile launches and directs a “hit to kill” vehicle into the incoming missile. The object literally hits the warhead and uses kinetic energy to destroy it. This is not the old nuclear tipped Nike system as the Soviets would lead you to believe.

We can already monitor military activities in the USSR. To equate this BMDS with our “strategic nuclear” force is a joke. They want to fuss about this to try and maintain they are a force to be reckoned with. In reality as the military top brass conclude: “Moscow's top brass say the missile shield does not pose any immediate military threat for Russia…” Believe me they are more worried about our ICBMs, SLBMs, and B-2s. This is a farce and just like good communists they are having a show trial of sorts.

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C.I.R. Press Editorial
Subtitled: Straight talk, but no walk.

. – Today was my first day back at work, which made me very happy and busy. I wanted to write about this earlier today but did not have the chance. Yes Rook, you underestimate me.

I spent the early hours doing my therapy to the wonderful sounds of C-SPAN and the Senate debating the dumbest of things. Basically that the Congress would now take the job of the Pentagon, and the fact that everyone knows POTUS will veto the bill and they do not have the votes to force America in to failure, yet.

One of the things that pisses me off is that we pay the lawmakers to spend our money and make law and yet most of the time they don’t even attend conference hearings etc. I really hate to see a hearing going on and watch a member berate a guest knowing they cannot respond in kind and then after they have their five minutes they jump up and leave the room. That goes for ALL members of Congress. Do your damn jobs and pay attention and put in your time.

You know what pisses me off even more? When people have one taxpayer funded job and don’t really do it in order to try and get another taxpayer funded job. Say for example a Senator that is running around campaigning for a higher office. It annoyed me when Lieberman did, Kerry did, and now Senator John McCain. I understand it is not a perfect world, but I think it would say a lot to step down in order to run for another office. But nothing like job security! And with the war debate in the senate, I believe the vote was to be on Saturday but they held it after the debate today.

Senator McCain is a true war hero in every possible sense. I believe he is a good man, a good Senator (for the most part), but he severely risked losing my vote today. For a man that has taken the President to task on HOW the war is being handled, but continued to support the mission… to not attend the debate, not be on the record on this important vote. I know the excuses. “It was going to pass anyway.” I DO NOT CARE.

What does this say to young voters out there, republican or democrat? Only vote if you think you will win. How about doing your God damn job Senator, I know it must be tough trying to campaign with only a YEAR AND A HALF LEFT. Throughout the day I started to notice his absence and began to contact his offices and campaign. When asked “will the Senator be coming back to DC in order to vote on the war bill” the response was “I can’t tell you the answer to that, it would depend on when the vote is.” Then I actually had staffers conclude with “do you know when the vote is?” Yes, they didn’t know when the vote was.

In conclusion if you are going to support this war, if you are going to champion it, if you are trying to be the next CINC then act like it and do your duty and actually walk the talk Senator. And no Rook, you did not inspire this. It is all from the heart and if it wasn’t then I would not have been on the phone with his offices around noon asking the questions I was. I read that many Democrats were altering their campaign schedules on Saturday to cancel or postpone events in order to come back to DC to vote on the bill. I am guessing I disagree with their vote, maybe they were doing it for political reasons, but kudos to those who were willing to at least go on the official record when it mattered.

When only three Senators don’t vote and 2/3 of them are Republicans… and together out of state; and the only democrat not to vote is not there because he is in the hospital recovering from (I believe) a stroke… that is sad. McCain and Graham should think about that. 'Saying it' is nice Senator McCain, making sure you attend votes that impact the war effort is better… in the future you will have to decide what to put first… the war and the countries national security, or your political ambitions.

You say you would rather lose the campaign, but win the war. After this showing I do not know how sure I can be of that. You have surprised me, and not in the positive way.

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C.I.R. Press Brief Editorial

What a load of god damn bullshit this woman is filled with. Enough time to travel half way around the world to meet with the President of a terrorist sponsoring country, but not enough to meet with General Petraeus? I guess staying in DC and meeting with someone from the military isn't a big enough photo op, right speaker? If you are going to lead, and be voting I think it is only fair that you actually listen to details on what you are voting on. How dare there be a meeting of such magnitude and she not attend! Liberals sure know how to steal tax dollars. I do give Senator Reid a brownie point, he is actually willing to attend a briefing and do his damn job.

"Gen. David Petraeus is scheduled to come to the Hill tomorrow to brief lawmakers on the progress of the recent troop escalation. ABC News has learned, however, that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., will not attend the briefing."

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Make No Mistake: This is War

C.I.R. Press Link
The following is from the WaPo. I have used selected quotations, follow link for full article.

Make No Mistake: This Is War
by Michael Chertoff

As the rubble of the Twin Towers smoldered in 2001, no one could have imagined a day when America's leaders would be criticized for being tough in protecting Americans from further acts of war.
Since Sept. 11, a conspiracy-minded fringe has claimed that American officials plotted the destruction. But when scholars such as Zbigniew Brzezinski accuse our leaders of falsely depicting or hyping a "war on terror" to promote a "culture of fear," it's clear that historical revisionism has gone mainstream.
The impulse to minimize the threat we face is eerily reminiscent of the way America's leaders played down the Ayatollah Khomeini's revolutionary fanaticism in the late 1970s. That naive approach ultimately foundered on the kidnapping of our diplomats in Tehran.
As with the Cold War, ideas matter as much as armaments. And as with the Cold War, this war requires our patience and resolve.

Perhaps the rhetoric of war makes Brzezinski and others uncomfortable. But history teaches that the false comfort of complacency is a dangerous indulgence in the face of a determined enemy.

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God Bless. [UPDATED]

[24 hour point passed. DoD required policy]
Forever will you be in the sky!
Please say a prayer for Navy LCDR Kevin Davis
Lieutenant Commander Kevin Davis is a native of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and graduated from Reading Memorial High School in 1992 where he played football and was active with the Civil Air Patrol. He attended Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Science with honors in 1996.

Kevin reported to Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola, Florida, for Officer Candidate School and aviation indoctrination in September 1996. He completed primary flight training at NAS Corpus Christi, Texas, and transferred to NAS Meridian, Mississippi, for intermediate and advanced flight training. While there, he flew the T-2C Buckeye and TA-4J Skyhawk, and received his wings of gold in June 1999.

Kevin reported to Fighter Squadron 101 (VF-101) at NAS Oceana, Virginia, for training in the F-14 Tomcat and was the “Top Stick” in his class. In July 2000 he reported to the VF-11 “Red Rippers” where he completed deployments aboard the aircraft carriers USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) and USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67). While with the “Red Rippers,” Kevin served as the airframes/corrosion branch officer, air-to-ground training officer and head landing signals officer. His deployments included extended operations in the North Arabian Sea and Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

In July 2003, Kevin transitioned to the F/A-18 Hornet through Strike Fighter Squadron 125 (VFA-125) at NAS Lemoore, California, and then reported to the Fighter Composite Squadron (VFC-12) “Omars,” stationed at NAS Oceana, Virginia. While at VFC-12, Kevin served as a Navy adversary pilot providing valuable air-to-air training for fleet squadrons. In December of 2004, Kevin graduated from the United States Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN) as an adversary pilot. During his tour at VFC-12, Kevin worked as the schedules officer, legal officer, FRS/SFARP officer and assistant operations officer.

Kevin joined the Blue Angels in September 2005. He has accumulated more than 2,500 flight hours and 200 carrier arrested landings. His decorations include the Air Medal, two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, and various personal and unit awards.

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Regarding Pelosi... [UPDATED]

After her recent trip I shall express my opinion in a way inspired by Rosie.

Logan Act, GOOGLE IT!!!

Here at CIR we will even take the extra step to do the 'leg work' for you.

Logan Act: "Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."

This from USA Today, and found on Wake up America:

She violated a long-held understanding that the United States should speak with one official voice abroad — even if the country is deeply divided on foreign policy back home. ... Like it or not (and we do not), President Bush's policy has been to refuse to negotiate with Syria until it changes its behavior.
Also as shown by WUA the democrats were trying to form their OWN foreign policy even as lefties try to deny it. Rep. Lantos, what do you have to say, you are not trying to further your own foreign policy are you? The Democrats are not getting in the way of the Executives policies are they?

We have an alternative Democratic foreign policy. I view my job as beginning with restoring overseas credibility and respect for the United States.
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