C.I.R. Press Editorial

UNDISCLOSED -- What is it that we always hear people say? Oh yes “the children are our future.” Let’s hope that is not the case, otherwise my USSR talk which started off as a mild half-truth is becoming a scary fact in the world. A new poll conducted in the current Russia (soon to be USSR) showed that half of nearly 2,000 kids between 16-19 thought Stalin was a wise leader.

All you lefties out there that spend every waking moment of your free time bad mouthing Gitmo… Go bitch at these kids that think it is fine for a leader to imprison and kill millions, MILLIONS!!! Compared to the under 400 held at Gtimo who are not abused or killed. And are now getting trials.

Going further the fine young future of the USSR feel it is a shame the CCCP collapsed, and two thirds feel America is the enemy while only 1/5 see Iran as an enemy. Well there is your reason for the USSR to be against missile defense. The young people want Iran to be able to destroy any country with a nuclear weapon. Heck, it won’t be them right? Just all those countries where gosh darn foreigners live. But those are only the “kids” we don’t need to worry…

Oh but then the USSR under the hand of KGB Agent Putin is spying more on Britain and the US. All's fair right, although I could give them a tip. Just get an agent or two in the New York Times. All the democrats and loony lefties call up the NYT with state secrets. Seriously, instead of paying a spy to…well….spy, just have them get a job at the Times or WaPo. The USSR would not only get the secrets but actually receive a paycheck for it!

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Back with 3 quick thoughts...

C.I.R. Press Editorial

UNDISCLOSED – Hello to all my readers, which of course there are few… and I am sure many less over the past month or so since I have been so inactive. For those that continue to check in, thank you! I have been very busy and just didn’t have time to write any posts. I am back and finished up a specific project I was working on. So let me dig in to a few issues quickly.

JROC recommends USAF control of UAVs
I really do not understand the issue here. The people arguing against placing AIR ASSETS under the control of the AIR FORCE seems to make sense. Instead the bickering between people that seem to think all branches should do everything and have everything. It just doesn’t make sense. What next, should the USAF argue that they want tanks? Think about how stupid that is. Place all the assets under the control of the appropriate branch and that will allow integration and the best use and control.

Clinton spars with DoD official about Iraq
It should be no surprise that I am not on board with the “good” Senators defeatist and appalling lack of judgment. Congress is not the CINC! They do not control the military or its actions. If she wants to end the war they should simply get the votes to cut funding and force an end to the war, yet they choose not to… why is that? Oh yes, politically it would look horrible. They say they are for “stopping the deaths of soldiers” but they are more then willing to put their political future ahead of that.

In the end I do not mind an elected representative asking questions. That is fine, but there is also a way of asking confidentially and getting the information to make informed decisions… that does not mean you have to go public. In conclusion I have no problem with Senator Clinton asking the questions and making stupid choices, that is the fault of the voters of New York. However it is said best in the statement from the Pentagon:

“Premature and public discussion of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq reinforces enemy propaganda that the United States will abandon its allies in Iraq, much as we are perceived to have done in Vietnam, Lebanon and Somalia,” Edelman wrote.

Talk about withdrawal and your forced defeat behind closed doors Senator. There is no reason to and it only hurts to go so public with these attitudes as you have and so many of your friends on that side of the aisle.

Leave Iraq and Brace for a Bigger Bloodbath
This is a MUST READ for anyone that is a reader here at CIR. One of the most important quotes, are you listening Senator Clinton?:
Perhaps the greatest irony of the political debate over Iraq is that many of Bush's critics, who accused his administration of going blindly to war without considering what would happen once Hussein's regime was toppled, now blindly support a policy of withdrawing from Iraq without considering what might follow.


Happy 4th!

I am in a rush to get to work, but I obviously couldn't leave without putting up an independence day tribute. It is short... "Happy 4th of July."

Other great reading:
Last Year on CIR

The City Troll, Mike's America



NOTE: Just a "new direction" they don't even bother to pretend it is a "better direction" just a "new" one. Atleast they are being honest, for once.