C.I.R. Press Editorial
UNDISCLOSED – If you pay any attention to National Security matters you have heard that “Russia” has been upset with the United States, mostly thanks to the KGB agent President complaining about our missile defense system. What HE and everyone knows (even his own military leaders concede) that our missile defense system in no way can counter the full force of a semi-resurging superpower. So how does he react?
"I have made a decision to resume regular flights of Russian strategic aviation," Putin said in televised remarks. "We proceed from the assumption that our partners will view the resumption of flights of Russia's strategic aviation with understanding."
"Starting today, such tours of duty would be conducted regularly and on the strategic scale," Putin said. "Our pilots have been grounded for too long, they are happy to start a new life."
Last month, two similar bombers briefly entered British air space but turned back after British fighter jets intercepted them.
That is right; they are flying in to others airspace, with strategic bombers. While strategic bombers can carry conventional weapons that is not what they were designed for. They were designed to kindly transport nuclear weapons to their target. After WWII we had to use the aircraft and they were adapted to deliver conventional munitions.
Now I am sure you lefties out there are arguing that America is the wrong-do’er in the world and that the USSR flying a few aircraft around is no big deal. This would be true if it were for air shows. But flying strategic aircraft in to others sovereign airspace while armed with conventional and possibly nuclear weapons is quite a concern! Now you will call me an alarmist and I am fear-mongering. Probably a few people that will say there is no way I could know that. Well I do, and don’t take my word for it.
"I made a decision to restore flights of Russian strategic bombers on a permanent basis, and at 00:00 today, August 17, 14 strategic bombers, support aircraft and aerial tankers were deployed. Combat duty has begun, involving 20 aircraft."COMBAT DUTY. They are armed. The Soviets are back and under the leadership of a KGB agent that I am sure desires nothing more than a new Cold War, or possibly a very hot war to try and regain face after Reagan slapped them around. We did our job then, because the country was behind it. What will the loony left do this time? Take the side of America or the Communists?[UPDATED] Vladimir Putin announced ambitious plans to revive Russia's military power and restore its role as the world's leading producer of military aircraft yesterday. ... Presidential aides hinted yesterday that Russia could shortly resume the production of Tu-160 and Tu-95 strategic nuclear bombers, now that the aircraft are again flying "combat missions". ... Asked about Russia's resumption of long-range bomber patrols, Mr Safranchuk said: "It's significant. For 15 years the political leadership was constraining the military on this. Now it isn't."This new article describes the USSR as wanting to have balance in military strength. You don't develop a military to equal another, you develop it to defeat another. I don't need to convince those on the right, but you lefties I ask you one question. In past conflicts whose weapons have we been forced to fight against, and hence claimed American lives. MIGs in Korea, Vietnam. AK-47s there and in EVERY conflict since. Thank you USSR. Don't forget them selling advanced SAM systems to Iran.
Propaganda Redux
Take it from this old KGB hand: The left is abetting America's enemies with its intemperate attacks on President Bush.OpinionJournal.comMr. Brown's statements elicited anger from many of Mr. Bush's domestic detractors, who claim the president concocted the war on terror for personal gain. But as someone who escaped from communist Romania--with two death sentences on his head--in order to become a citizen of this great country, I have a hard time understanding why some of our top political leaders can dare in a time of war to call our commander in chief a "liar," a "deceiver" and a "fraud."...
...I spent decades scrutinizing the U.S. from Europe, and I learned that international respect for America is directly proportional to America's own respect for its president....
...Unfortunately, partisans today have taken a page from the old Soviet playbook. At the 2004 Democratic National Convention, for example, Bush critics continued our mud-slinging at America's commander in chief. One speaker, Martin O'Malley, now governor of Maryland, had earlier in the summer stated he was more worried about the actions of the Bush administration than about al Qaeda. On another occasion, retired four-star general Wesley Clark gave Michael Moore a platform to denounce the American commander in chief as a "deserter." And visitors to the national chairman of the Democratic Party had to step across a doormat depicting the American president surrounded by the words, "Give Bush the Boot.”...
...Now we are again at war. It is not the president's war. It is America's war, authorized by 296 House members and 76 senators. I do not intend to join the armchair experts on the Iraq war. I do not know how we should handle this war, and they don't know either. But I do know that if America's political leaders, Democrat and Republican, join together as they did during World War II, America will win. Otherwise, terrorism will win. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi predicted just before being killed: "We fight today in Iraq, tomorrow in the land of the Holy Places, and after there in the West."...
...For once, the communists got it right. It is America's leader that counts. Let's return to the traditions of presidents who accepted nothing short of unconditional surrender from our deadly enemies.
Wheels off the bus for lefties...
C.I.R. Press Editorial
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This is one of those days where I just kicked back and smiled. Why? Partially because so many lefties are going to be losing their minds. The real reason is because these moves are great for the US
First off, polls showing that those that support the war and believe progress is being made has gone up 10 points while those that think it is worse has gone down 10 points. In total it must stink if you are on the “USA must lose” bus and you felt the momentum was on your side and now this. I am sorry but yes progress is and will continue if support continues to grow, and I think it will!
Second, I can hear you! That’s right lefties, your hatred towards the intelligence community can now just grow. Because signed in to law was the NSA programs. Oh me, oh my… but what if they hear you talking about how excited you are to go burn US flags over the weekend? Well, that wouldn’t surprise me but nothing is going to be done. Short of you being involved in terrorist activity the IC doesn’t want to deal with you! Face it, this has NOTHING to do with “civil liberties” and everything to do with being against anything the President supports.
Ahhh, it has been a good day for America.