So beautiful.
The Westboro Baptist Church gets... well, just watch. It brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you to the onlookers, and God Bless.
The goal of C.I.R to discuss and prove: An effective country means striving and aiming for victory, anything else is unacceptable. What part do the liberals and press play in the United States overall mission?
The Westboro Baptist Church gets... well, just watch. It brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you to the onlookers, and God Bless.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee passed the bill Wednesday by a 27-21 vote despite intense lobbying by Turkish officials. The committee's vote was a triumph for well-organized Armenian-American interest groups who have lobbied Congress for decades to pass a resolution. President Bush warned that it could harm U.S.-Turkish relations, already stretched by accusations that Washington is unwilling to help Ankara crack down on Kurdish rebels based in Iraq.Now I am betting that some if not all of the people that voted for this were the ones complaining about how we needed to use more diplomacy in the world. They told us war is not the way to do that, I suppose alleging a country committed genocide in 1915 is the way. Of course this is to make Bush look bad and ultimately hurt the United States.
A key feature distinguishing today’s debate from the one on the “Comfort Women” resolution is that U.S. troops are currently engaged in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our troops depend on a major Turkish airbase for access to the fighting fronts, and it serves as a critical part of the supply lines to those fronts. A growing majority in Congress, and I am among them, strongly oppose continued U.S. troop involvement in the civil war in Iraq, but none of us wants to see those supply lines threatened or abruptly cut.Whoa…Am I good or what? Why get blamed for cutting funding, when you can pawn it off on another country right? But it gets better.
All eight living former secretaries of state recently cautioned Congress on this matter. And I quote, “It is our view,” write former Secretaries Albright, Baker, Christopher, Eagleburger, Haig, Kissinger, Powell and Shultz, “that passage of this resolution … could endanger our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and damage efforts to promote reconciliation between Armenia and Turkey.”And even better…
Three former secretaries of defense – Carlucci, Cohen and Perry – this week advised Congress that passage of this resolution, and I quote again, “would have a direct, detrimental effect on the operational capabilities, safety and well being of our armed forces in Iraq and in Afghanistan.”
Yes we used to treat enemies as, well I don't know, enemies. Now we make excuses for them and invite them to speak at our colleges.
The flag represents the United States of America and all it stands for. So why should we elect someone to the office of the President of a country that it would seem he is embarrassed by? Will he be calling for the DNC to get rid of their depiction of the flag off their website? And will he rid his campaign site of the red/white stripes and blue representing the union? I doubt it, but if he wants to be honest he should. And how about his store? Could he say with a straight face that the “O” with red, white, and blue is not suppose to conjure up the idea of the flag in your head? His campaign is selling something he claims to be a false representation of patriotism.Obama