I will let the article speak for itself.

(h/t Drudge)
Iraq veteran sues Moore over 9/11 film
Associated Press
BOSTON - A veteran who lost both arms in the war in Iraq is suing filmmaker Michael Moore for $85 million, alleging that Moore used snippets of a television interview without his permission to falsely portray him as anti-war in "Fahrenheit 9/11."
...In his interview with NBC, Damon was asked about a new painkiller the military was using on wounded veterans. He claims in his lawsuit that the way Moore used the film clip in "Fahrenheit 9/11" - Moore's scathing 2004 documentary criticizing the Bush administration and the war in Iraq - makes him appear to "voice a complaint about the war effort" when he was actually complaining about "the excruciating type of pain" that comes with the injury he suffered.
..."It's upsetting to him because he's lived his life supportive of his government, he's been a patriot, he's been a soldier, and he's now being portrayed in a movie that is the antithesis of all of that," Damon's lawyer, Dennis Lynch, said.
Others running with the story:
Chickenhawk Express -- Iraq war vet suing Michael Moore
Say no to P.C.B.S. -- Michael Moore: Gettin' b*tch slapped!!!
Expose the Left -- Iraq Vet Peter Damon Sues Michael Moore for $85 million
(h/t to Chickenhawk Express for the following links.)
The Political Pit Bull -- Michael Moore gets Sued (Video)
Gateway Pundit -- Le Film de d'Or de Cannes Palme est une Fraude!! L' Horror!!
MacsMind -- Moore Flack
Right Voices -- Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Liar
WizBang -- Michael Moore Sued Over Fahrenheit 9/11 Footage
Stop the ACLU -- Wounded Soldier Sues Michael Moore
Sister Toldjah -- Michael Moore sued by double-amputee Iraq war veteran
The Sandbox -- Michael Moore May Open Big Fat Wallet
Blogs For Bush -- Michael Moore Gets Sued by Wounded Iraq War Vet
Right on the Left Coast -- Couldn't Happen To A Nicer Guy
[Will update as needed.]